Monday, February 21, 2011

Music video: Booka Shade - in white rooms

Booka Shade are not degree fresh but occasionally a hammer. When I found this video from Booka Shade in white rooms the next step was liveact rauszusuchen and buy a ticket the next.Will you report the liveact.

Booka Shade it actually creates one of the very few in this genre lie a successful live performance. The combination with the correct percussions is simply the hit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Music and style in the 1960s - impact shorts and pleated skirt

In the 1960s, a revolution was coming. Young people wanted to free himself from the clutches of the Conservatives and develop your own identity.
So far everything has been set and the motion frame was very limited. Of course the clothing and music were particularly affected. Both was a self expression and could be accepted due to the desired movement of parents or society. The music then took your inexorable way by the media in the minds of people.
But what was it? Music and the mediated identity reflected in the listener again and the content the clothes adapted over the years. Rock and roll in school uniforms may have its appeal but young people want to know more (identity). The men and young men wore trousers with blow , but what was fashionable young ladies? Grew clearly changing the desire to show; so the leg had to be seen. Quickly developed a new trend: pleated skirt. For those coming from younger generations there is a pleated Declaration.
There is the pleated skirt of the time
In the 1990s again there were fans of Bellbottom pants and pleated skirts, but urged other fashion again in the foreground. The importance of the 60s era will show but again, that this trend will return again and again like a boomerang.

Video: Nneka - Africans

By chance I stumbled upon in the www about the very nice song. Very authentic and emotional.
Especially class I find the video. Therefore I would like to share this with you. ;)

The other tracks of Nneka are also worth listening and worth seeing. More is here on youtube